Youtube is used by millions of people daily, its one of the most popular websites of our time. Youtube has many services to provide to consumers with one thing in common: video's. Here ill list some of the different kinds of video's you could find.
- Social networking: This could be video's of your beliefs, experiences, likes/dislikes.
- Funny stuff: Animals, people, natural looking things that are gross, sign's, and ironic humour.
- Music: Music video's (professional/non-professional), teaching of an instrument, teasers, and songs.
- Movies: Trailers, home movies and sometimes full length movies but split into about 5 video uploads.
- TV: TV series
- Educational: Anything you could think of from cooking to tying shoe laces.
- Video blogs
- And many more!!!
- This first video just shows how people are insane when it comes to building things. This video is impressive and just plain out rocks!
- This next video shows that no matter how crap life can get and even if you don't have hands or even arm's, there is still the possibility to rock!!!!! Take a look your mouth will drop..... "get lost in the rock n roll and drift away"
- This video shows that the younger you are, the better and the older you are, the cheaper you get!
- One of the coolest songs with amazing guitars that makes you wanna sleep or cry, whatever one comes first.
- There's always one...
thank you and good night =)
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